A documentary about the struggle and first hand perspectives of the Yanomami, Kayapó, and Munduruku nations against illegal mining in their Amazonian territories.
Melanie Dizon
May 27, 2024


a documentary film by Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal (Brazil)

FILM SCREENING / 13th June 2024 @ 6pm / Free Entrance

88 minutes / Spanish Subtitles

*this film premiered at the 12th Ecospeaker Film Festival in June of 2023.


'Escute a Terra Foi Rasgada' (Listen, The Land Was Torn) is based on the universe of three indigenous peoples pressured by the destruction caused by mining. The film proposes an approach to the thinking of the Yanomami, Munduruku and Kayapó, in the formation of a historical alliance in defense of their territories. It is, therefore, a narrative about resistance and resilience, in the form of an unprecedented union that guarantees the maintenance of their physical and subjective territories. Beyond the destruction caused by mining, this is a documentary about the impossibility of separating existence and the territory in which they live.
A Shabono dwelling in Yanomami Territory / Film still courtesy of Cassandra Mello y Fred Rahal

Davi Kopenawa Yanomami (middle) / Film Still courtesy of Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal

Noêmia Yanomami / Film Still courtesy of Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal

Juarez Saw Munduruku / Film Still courtesy of Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal

Betyktire Mekrãgnotire (Kayapó) / Film Still courtesy of Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal

The meeting of the three nations / Film Still courtesy of Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal

Official Film Poster


Cassandra Mello (Brazil) is a documentary filmmaker with a degree in Radio and TV and a postgraduate degree in Sociopsychology. She has produced audiovisual projects for important institutions in the country, such as Itaú Cultural, Greenpeace, Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Goethe, Sesc, Museu Afro Brasil, Teatro Oficina, Theatro Municipal and Secretaria de Direitos Humanos do Município de São Paulo and Secretarias de Genero e Etnicidade e Cultura do Estado de São Paulo. Director of the documentaries “Protagônistas - o Movimento Negro no Circo” (2021), “Pastoras do Rosário: da Nebulosa ao Brilho” (2022) and “Escute: A Terra Foi Rasgada” (2023).

FRED RAHAL / director

Fred Rahal (Brazil) is a documentary filmmaker, forged in guerrilla cinema, specialized in thinking and making socio-environmental non-fiction films. Editor of the film “Sob a pata do boi” by Marcio Isensee and director of the documentaries “O Silêncio é uma Prece” (2020), “BR Acima de Tudo” (2021), “Parceiros da Floresta” (2022) and “Escute: A Terra Foi Rasgada” (2023).

Many thanks to the producers Teia Documenta and Alliance in Defense of the Territories, directors Cassandra Mello and Fred Rahal for the honor of screening this film here in Cusco, Peru. And further, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the members of the Yanomami, Munduruku, and Mẽbêngôkre (Kayapó) nations who represent this fight for their present and future generations.

Learn more about this film and project.