Invention of the Other: a documentary film by director Bruno Jorge.

One of the most important missions ever carried out in the depths of the Amazon

“A Invenção do Outro” (Invention of the Other) is an epic, intimate and procedural documentary about one of the most important missions ever carried out in the depths of the Amazon rainforest to try to find and establish contact with a group of isolated Indigenous people of the Korubo ethnic group in a state of vulnerability and try to promote a delicate reunion with part of the family already contacted a few years before. Bruno Pereira, who would be later murdered in the same region and turned into an international symbol in favor of the indigenous and the forest, leads the expedition.

Bruno Pereira (left) / Photo ©De Bubuia Cine. All Rights Reserved.

In the extreme west of the state Amazonas, there’s a forest region on the Colombia-Peru-Brazil triple border called the Javari Valley, a land demarcated and protected by the State where there is the highest concentration of isolated indigenous groups in the world. Ethno-environmental protection of isolated and recently contacted individuals, in addition to human, anthropological and historical value, also ensures the physical limits and natural wealth of areas where these populations are present, which contributes significantly to reducing deforestation in the Amazon. One of these ethnic groups is the Korubos, known for their warrior, nomadic tradition and their historical conflict with the Matis, from the same region.

Photo ©De Bubuia Cine. All Rights Reserved.

In 2015, a certain number of Korubos were lost from their original group during one of these conflicts and made their first contact with Funai, the government agency responsible for protecting indigenous rights. They started to live near the protection base with the hope of meeting their relatives one day, who could be already dead. In 2019 the largest and one of the most important expeditions in the Amazon Forest in history were carried out to establish contact with a group of isolated Korubos with the aim of promoting family reunion, providing health care and appeasing ethnic conflicts.

Photo ©De Bubuia Cine. All Rights Reserved.
Photo ©De Bubuia Cine. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Davis Torres / ©2024 Xapiri Ground
Photo: Davis Torres /©2024 Xapiri Ground
Photo: Davis Torres / ©2024 Xapiri Ground

Bruno Jorge / director & producer

Bruno Jorge studied Social Communication in São Paulo, Brazil, Documentary Film in Paris, France, and Master in Performing Arts in Liège, Belgium. Since 2003 he has made very independently over 20 films of different genres, including short/medium/feature- length, influenced by visual arts, experimental cinema and ethnography. In 2013 the French Cinematheque honored Bruno with a retrospective of his shortfilm work. His films have been selected for important festivals such as Cannes, Rotterdam, Clermont-Ferrand and Visions du Réel. The last film "Piripkura" (cinematography and co-direction) was premiered at IDFA where it received the Human Rights prize, and also best film by official jury at Festival do Rio/Docville/Cartagena).

Producer's Note:

De Bubuia Cine (formerly called João de Barro CinemaIndependente) was created in 2003 by filmmaker Bruno Jorge with the main objective of producing his own cinema works in an absolutely independent way. Since then, he has produced numerous films of the most different genres and lengths, selected and awarded at various festivals around the world. Among the short films we could mention "Setback" (best film at Festival do Rio, Lab Competition Clermont-Ferrand), "Justice to Insult" (Cannes, Rotterdam), "November, December" (IDFA), "Catuçaba" and "The Barons" (both premiered in Visions du Réel). Some feature-length documentaries are "What I could be if I were" (best film ABD at Semana dos Realizadores, Brazil) and the newest film “A Invenção do Outro” that won the prize of best film by the official at Festival de Cinema de Brasília and Docville, Belgium), . De Bubuia is currently in different stages of production for 3 different feature films and a documentary series filmed on the banks of the Transamazônica highway in the heart of Amazon forest with around 20 families for 3 months during the pandemic period.

Many thanks to Bruno Jorge, De Bubuia Cine, and Utopia Docs for the honor of screening this film here in Cusco, Peru.